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next step for production paper tubes on the paper tube machine

Author:ruian dragon machinery factory | Date:2017-5-25 11:19:13 | Visits:

next step for production paper tubes on the paper tube machine

last time, we introduce the previous 5 steps for how to produce the paper tubes on our paper tube machine. today we continue to introduce the next 5 steps.

6. The distance of the point where the inner paper starts to contact with themould with the belt is decided according to paper width, layers and paper tube thickness.

7. In general, the distance of the inner paper with the belt when the mould starts to enter is about inner paper width  layers of paper tape x interval of paper tubes (10-12mm), which can be suitably wider for
thin and large paper tubes, but shall not been exceed half of the paper tape.

8. Press low-speed switch to run the paper tube machine at low speed. First feed the inner paper into the belt and
adjust the angle properly.

9. Feed the external layer of paper into the belt over the mould. The end of paper just entering the mould
and close to the belt is about 10-20mm from the belt.

10. Feed the intermediate layers of paper tapes into the belt from the small to the large in sequence, fasten
properly the tension regulating shaft on the glue stand of the roll guide and tighten the place where the
paper tape passes through on the roll guide layer by layer according to the interval of the paper tape with
adequate tension.